Monday, September 30, 2019

Review Sheet Results Essay

1. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ reduces the net diffusion of K+ out of the neuron through the K+ leak channels. Your answer: Because outside a typical cell, the concentration of K+ is about 5mM and the concentration of Na+ is about 150 mM. When you increase the concentration of K+ from 5 to 25 mM and reduce concentration of Na+ from 150 to 130 mM, the outside has more concentration of K+. The membrane is permeable to a particular ion, that ion will diffuse down its concentration gradient from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. 2. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ causes the membrane potential to change to a less negative value. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Your answer: Because outside has more K+, the rate of diffusion is less. The resting membrane potential will become less negative. 3. Explain why a change in extracellular Na+ did not significantly alter the membrane potential in the resting neuron? Your answer: Because it did not effect the resting membrane potential. 4. Discuss the relative permeability of the membrane to Na+ and K+ in a resting neuron. Your answer: The resting membrane potential is really a potential difference between the inside of the cell (intracellular) and the outside of the cell (extracellular) across the resting permeability of the membrane to ions and on the intracellular and extracellular concentraions of those ions to which the membrane is permeable. Na+ and K+ are the most important ions, and the concentrations of these ions are established by transport protein, such as the Na+ -K+ pump, so that the intracellular Na+ concentration is low and the intracellular K+ concentraion is high. The ions will diffuse down its concentration gradient from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. 5. Discuss how a change in Na+ or K+ conductance would affect the resting membrane potential. Your answer: The resting period potential is a potential difference between the inside of the cell and the outside of the cell across the membrane. It depends on the resting permeability of the membrane to ions and on the intracellular and extracellular concentrations of those ions to which the membrane is permeable. View as multi-pages

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Property, Plant And Equipment Essay

Items of property, plant, and equipment should be recognised as assets when it is probable that: [IAS 16.7] it is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity, and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. This recognition principle is applied to all property, plant, and equipment costs at the time they are incurred. These costs include costs incurred initially to acquire or construct an item of property, plant and equipment and costs incurred subsequently to add to, replace part of, or service it. IAS 16 does not prescribe the unit of measure for recognition – what constitutes an item of property, plant, and equipment. [IAS 16.9] Note, however, that if the cost model is used (see below) each part of an item of property, plant, and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of the item must be depreciated separately. [IAS 16.43] IAS 16 recognises that parts of some items of property, plant, and equipment may require replacement at regular intervals. The carrying amount of an item of property, plant, and equipment will include the cost of replacing the  part of such an item when that cost is incurred if the recognition criteria (future benefits and measurement reliability) are met. The carrying amount of those parts that are replaced is derecognised in accordance with the derecognition provisions of IAS 16.67-72. [IAS 16.13] Also, continued operation of an item of property, plant, and equipment (for example, an aircraft) may require regular major inspections for faults regardless of whether parts of the item are replaced. When each major inspection is performed, its cost is recognised in the carrying amount of the item of property, plant, and equipment as a replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. If necessary, the estimated cost of a future similar inspection may be used as an indication of what the cost of the existing inspection component was when the item was acquired or constructed. [IAS 16.14] Initial Measurement An item of property, plant and equipment should initially be recorded at cost. [IAS 16.15] Cost includes all costs necessary to bring the asset to working condition for its intended use. This would include not only its original purchase price but also costs of site preparation, delivery and handling, installation, related professional fees for architects and engineers, and the estimated cost of dismantling and removing the asset and restoring the site (see IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets). [IAS 16.16-17] If payment for an item of property, plant, and equipment is deferred, interest at a market rate must be recognised or imputed. [IAS 16.23] If an asset is acquired in exchange for another asset (whether similar or dissimilar in nature), the cost will be measured at the fair value unless (a) the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance or (b) the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable. If the acquired item is not measured at fair value, its cost is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given up. [IAS 16.24] Measurement Subsequent to Initial Recognition IAS 16 permits two accounting models: Cost Model. The asset is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment. [IAS 16.30] Revaluation Model. The asset is carried at a revalued amount, being its fair value at the date of revaluation less  subsequent depreciation and impairment, provided that fair value can be measured reliably. [IAS 16.31] The Revaluation Model Under the revaluation model, revaluations should be carried out regularly, so that the carrying amount of an asset does not differ materially from its fair value at the balance sheet date. [IAS 16.31] If an item is revalued, the entire class of assets to which that asset belongs should be revalued. [IAS 16.36] Revalued assets are depreciated in the same way as under the cost model (see below). If a revaluation results in an increase in value, it should be credited to other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under the heading â€Å"revaluation surplus† unless it represents the reversal of a revaluation decrease of the same asset previously recognised as an expense, in which case it should be recognised as income. [IAS 16.39] A decrease arising as a result of a revaluation should be recognised as an expense to the extent that it exceeds any amount previously credited to the revaluation surplus relating to the same asset. [IAS 16.40] When a revalued asset is disposed of, any revaluation surplus may be transferred directly to retained earnings, or it may be left in equity under the heading revaluation surplus. The transfer to retained earnings should not be made through the income statement (that is, no â€Å"recycling† through profit or loss). [IAS 16.41] Depreciation (Cost and Revaluation Models) For all depreciable assets: The depreciable amount (cost less residual value) should be allocated on a systematic basis over the asset’s useful life [IAS 16.50]. The residual value and the useful life of an asset should be reviewed at least at each financial year-end and, if expectations differ from previous estimates, any change is accounted for prospectively as a change in estimate under IAS 8. [IAS 16.51] The depreciation method used should reflect the pattern in which the asset’s economic benefits are consumed by the entity [IAS 16.60]; The depreciation method should be reviewed at least annually and, if the pattern of consumption of benefits has changed, the depreciation method should be changed prospectively as a change in estimate under IAS 8. [IAS 16.61] Depreciation should be charged to the income statement, unless it is included in the carrying amount of another asset [IAS 16.48]. Depreciation  begins when the asset is available for use and continues until the asset is derecognised, even if it is idle. [IAS 16.55] Recoverability of the Carrying Amount IAS 36 requires impairment testing and, if necessary, recognition for property, plant, and equipment. An item of property, plant, or equipment shall not be carried at more than recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. Any claim for compensation from third parties for impairment is included in profit or loss when the claim becomes receivable. [IAS 16.65] Derecogniton (Retirements and Disposals) An asset should be removed from the balance sheet on disposal or when it is withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The gain or loss on disposal is the difference between the proceeds and the carrying amount and should be recognised in the income statement. [IAS 16.67-71] If an entity rents some assets and then ceases to rent them, the assets should be transferred to inventories at their carrying amounts as they become held for sale in the ordinary course of business. [IAS 16.68A] Disclosure For each class of property, plant, and equipment, disclose: [IAS 16.73] basis for measuring carrying amount   depreciation method(s) used useful lives or depreciation rates gross carrying amount and accumulated depreciation and impairment losses reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period, showing: additions disposals acquisitions through business combinations revaluation increases or decreases impairment losses reversals of impairment losses depreciation net foreign exchange differences on translation other movements Also disclose: [IAS 16.74] restrictions on title expenditures to construct property, plant, and equipment during the period contractual commitments to acquire property, plant, and equipment compensation from third parties for items of property, plant, and equipment that were impaired, lost or given up that is included in profit or loss If property, plant, and equipment is stated at revalued amounts, certain additional disclosures are required: [IAS 16.77] the effective date of the revaluation whether an independent valuer was involved the methods and significant assumptions used in estimating fair values the extent to which fair values were determined directly by reference to observable prices in an active market or recent market transactions on arm’s length terms or were estimated using other valuation techniques for each revalued class of property, the carrying amount that would have been recognised had the assets been carried under the cost model the revaluation surplus, including changes during the period and any restrictions on the distribution of the balance to shareholders

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Risk Management and Insurance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Risk Management and Insurance - Assignment Example Many families have children from previous marriages, whom they would want to incorporate into their estate plan. Many parents want to ensure the financial security of all their children. For families with a nucleus set- up, with no children from previous relationships, it is very easy to distribute the estate appropriately, but in blended families, it is a bit complicated. Therefore, an effective estate plan, designed and managed by an estate planning advisor, can enable families to find financial direction and avoid unnecessary taxation (Taylor, 2002). Since 2013, both the gift and estate tax use the same rate schedule. Additionally, gifts in life can affect the bequest’s taxation at death. The taxable estate at death and taxable gifts given during a lifetime are taxed at 40%, but the tax is only imposed on bequests and gifts above substantial lifetime exclusion sums and moderate exclusion amounts on an annual basis. The generational skipping tax is an additional tax property, where property passed from a grandparent to a grandchild and or future successive generations, through a trust or will, results in the imposition of a tax. The tax can also be passed on to individuals who are 37.5 years younger than the original owner. The tax was developed and implemented in order to ensure that estate taxes were no longer evaded. Wells states that AB trusts and their portability are also discussed, with regards to estate tax exemption. Since 2011, federal estate tax exemption can be transferred between married couples and they can be able to utilize federal estate tax exemptions via AB Trusts (Wells, 2011). The second to die life insurance highlights the affordability of the policy with regards to estate planning. To develop the policy, a second policy is set up between a married couple, however, neither one of them is able to collect a payout in the event that one of them dies. Privatizing the fund could be used to counter the burgeoning fiscal burden. This measure is not very popular due to its negative implication on the future benefits of current workers, coupled with the stock market losses experienced in recent years.Increasing the payroll tax cap has also been suggested as a reform measure. The current cap is $ 106,800 annually, but by increasing the cap, higher wage earners will pay larger portions of their wages to the system and help in closing the deficit. However, this measure has redistributive tendencies that are not very popular. Â  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Final - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to an identification of the argument, it must be understood that the author’s primary approach is focusing upon the argument that bio-enhancement and the development of humans to manage and change the realities of chromosomal DNA exists, these should not always be used. Moreover, the claim and reason that exists within this article is with respect to an understanding that even though the possibility to create and alter human biology from a laboratory standpoint most certainly exists, a level of bioethics and moral concern for the future fate of this particular industry has thus far constrained individuals that might otherwise be interested in turning a profit via utilizing such an approach. Although the structure and organization of this particular article is above standard, a key concern that can be noted is with regards him to the overall exhibition of evidence and discussion of fact that exist within the article. Firstly, even though data is represente d and sources are cited effectively, the type and extent of this data does not specifically help to corroborate the initial argument that was stated within the preceding paragraph. Moreover, the article itself ultimately collapses into a mere discussion of the technology that exists and a broader understanding of the process of biological engineering. Although this discussion is of course interesting, it does not coincide with the analysis and promise of engaging the reader in the argument that was initially presented. Instead, these statistics and data that are represented do not help the reader to draw any level of inference with regards to the original argument nor are they particularly helpful in understanding the issue to a greater degree. Although it is true that statistics and data are represented, as well as relevant citations, none of these serve the ultimate purpose and appeared to be somewhat gratuitous; only existing to the fact that they are somehow required. Finally, w ith respect to reviewing the argument in terms of its purpose and audience, it can be definitively stated that the purpose of the argument was to shed a further level of discussion with regards to bioethics and bioengineering. However, in order to engage with the audience, as with any form of print journalism, a type of controversy and fear had to be engaged with regards to the way in which runaway/rogue scientists could impact upon the future fate of the human race, biological development, and/or nouveau eugenics. A further question comes with regards to what group this particular article was developed to appeal to. The readership of whatever source this particular piece was intended for was most certainly primarily engaged with entertainment and the means through which time can be passed at work from one article to the next. In such a way, rather than coming down too hard on this particular article and slamming it as having no logic or development of facts whatsoever, it must be u nderstood that the same level of comparison cannot be expected of as

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How the Reduced Shakespeare Company's rendition of Shakespeare plays Research Paper

How the Reduced Shakespeare Company's rendition of Shakespeare plays is a positive influence in the world of theater - Research Paper Example The success of the RSC’s works can be gauged from the fact that three of their shows ran for nine straight years in the Criterion Theatre located in Piccadilly Circus. These shows have been recognised as London’s longest running comedies and have even superseded Andrew Lloyd Weber’s shows in the West End. (Reduced Shakespeare Company) The RSC has some typical methodologies for performing on stage and on adapting popular works. One technique is to abridge entire pieces of literature into manageable pieces of performance on stage. This ensures that the audience is involved in the performance. Another technique is the use of comedy within these works through improvisation and planning to make these performances more entertaining for the audience. Improvisation is a major facet of the way that the RSC conducts its stage performances. The acts are known to be highly varied from one performance to the other, even with the same cast because of the improvisation involved . (Utah Shakespearen Festival) This introduces another favourable aspect of the RSC’s performance style. The constant improvisation ensures that the performances presented are in sync with contemporary trends and styles. This ensures that the pieces of literature and theology presented by the RSC are relevant to audiences even today. In the words of Daniel Singer, the founder of the RSC, the work of the RSC helps modern audiences connect with classic literature. He contends that without such connections, classic literature and performances would turn into a â€Å"ghettoistic† culture. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Evolution The RSC’s most popular presence on stage, television and other forms of media has been The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. This popular piece evolved over a number of years from various experiences and experiments. The founder of the RSC, Daniel Singer and a few other young performers were trying to create a half an hour ve rsion of Shakespeare’s Hamlet for a performance at the Novato California Renaissance Pleasure Faire. The venue where the play was staged was hot, full of dust, noisy and full of distractions. It was next to impossible to keep the audience’s attention. The performance venue was frequented by â€Å"drunken hecklers, intrusive parades and backstage confusion† in the words of David Singer. Consequently, the cast was forced to improvise extensively. This improvisation improved by a large degree as the performances proceeded. (Singer) Consequently, Daniel Singer along with Adam Long and Jess Winfield began to enact various pieces of literature in rather hilarious ways. The performances were well adapted in terms of time so that the audience did not drift away. The subject material of the piece of literature was delivered using contemporary trends in the performing arts. New trends such as the use of matinee programming, hip hop etc. were also introduced with time to k eep the audience engrossed in the performance. Various works from Shakespeare were adapted including Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Hamlet, Merchant of Venice, the line of dramas about England’s kings and the like. Eventually, the troupe decided to merge all of these acts into one performance. This laid the foundation for what became The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Eventually the entire lineage of Shakespeare’s work was put together and the performance was fine tuned to last a total of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The relationship of the U.S with Iran and Iraq in the 1980s Essay

The relationship of the U.S with Iran and Iraq in the 1980s - Essay Example Anthology; in the chapter 8 of the particular book, under the title ‘The Color of Violence’ (INCITE 81) the issue of violence of people belonging in the white race against people of other races is discussed. The pieces of information retrieved through the specific book are analyzed based on a theoretical framework that focuses on the transformation of conflict: the ‘Big Picture of Conflict Transformation (BPCT) framework’ (Lederach 35). Through this framework certain solutions for facing the expansion of race-based conflicts are presented; however, the success of the relevant measures requires the willingness of the participants to change their beliefs in regard to social exclusion and equality. Such target is rather difficult to be achieved while the actual benefits of any relevant effort could take a long period in order to appear. The BPCT framework is consisted of three layers: at the first level, three aspects of the conflict are reviewed: ‘Issue, Patterns, and History’ (Lederach 35). Each of these issues are explained as follows: the Issue element of this layer refers to the present status of the conflict, the Patterns element implies the common forms of the conflict as developed through the years and the History element shows the status/ form of the conflict in its early years (Lederach 34-36). The elements presented above have a unique relationship; this relationship is presented in Figure 1, through a graph based on the BPCT framework of Lederach. The elements of the framework’s first layer interact in the following way: Issue, which equals to Present, is highly influenced by the Patterns; the latter have been gradually developed through the continuation of the conflict for a long term. If the history of the conflict, i.e. its forms in the long past, is checked then the Patterns and the Present status of the conflict would be easier understood. The second

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Strategic management - Essay Example More specifically, using the diagram in the Figure 3, Appendix, the firm’s stakeholders could be categorized as follows: a) the Owners should be found at the level of the relevant hierarchy having the strongest interest in the firm’s performance, b) the firm’s employees would follow, c) suppliers would also be interested in the firm’s position in its market – indicating its ability to continue its cooperation with its suppliers, d) customers would be at the next – lower – level; they would be benefited from the firm’s performance – but only up to the point that they could not identify other firm with similar products and lower prices; e) the state would be at the last level of the relevant list; the firm’s performance would be important for the state affecting its contributions in the national economy – tax paid for the firm’s profits. The performance of the firm within its market can be differentiated under the influence of a series of factors. These factors have been identified and explained using the Pestel Analysis; at a next level the industry globalisation drivers are presented – at the level that they are related with the firm’s operational initiatives. In accordance with Neely (2002) ‘the key benefit in the process of deciding what to measure appears to lie in the fact that the process forces management teams to be explicit about their priorities’ (Neely, 2002, p.295). In other words, the identification and the evaluation of key strategic values for the development of corporate activities are quite important for setting the criteria on which the restructuring of the firm’s strategies will be based. In the PESTEL analysis, the firm’s operations are related to specific factors, the following ones: a) Political; it refers to the government’s strategies regarding the entrepreneurial activity in the specific industry; even if in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Economic - Essay Example In our ensuing discussions, we will look at three main industries of Germany and compare them with respect to various economic parameters. As of 2009 estimates, agriculture sector forms only 0.8% of the GDP ( The level of employment in this sector as of 2005 was only 2.4% of the total labor force ( Hence we can see that agriculture does not form a very substantial part of the country’s economy in terms of contribution to the GDP or the employment. Graph 1 above shows the value added data in agriculture since 1980. We can easily see that this is on a declining trend over the years. The graph 2 showing the real value added in agriculture shows a lot of fluctuation with negative growth during many years. This means that agriculture is giving way to other industrial segments in terms of contribution to the GDP. However, agricultural land accounts for half of the nation. The above figure shows that since 1990 there has not been much substantial change in the arable and pasture area and it has remained more or less constant. Total farm land has remained around 50% of the total land in Germany. However, there has been a substantial change in the agricultural sector if East and West Germany are looked at what they were before the 1990 unification. In former East Germany, farm employment fell by 20% of its 1989 levels ( The West German part contributes to 75% of the livestock farming of the country. The farm sizes here are very small. The Eastern part has huge farms (200 hectares) and most of the agricultural produce of the country comes from there. Most of the farming here is capital intensive farming ( â€Å"With a share of 61 percent of all sales in agriculture in 1998, animal production is the main reason why Germany still is one of the leading agricultural nations in t he EU (total production: DM 63.9 billion, crop production: DM 25.9 billion, animal production: DM 38.0 billion†

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The supernatural is the force responsible for many of theevents of Macbeth Essay Example for Free

The supernatural is the force responsible for many of theevents of Macbeth Essay The supernatural is the force responsible for many of the events of Macbeth. How far do you agree with this statement? Throughout the play Macbeth goes through many changes, but the question is what is responsible for these changes? Responsible means to have control over something or someone something definitely has control over Macbeth, whether he himself has this control or the supernatural or even Lady Macbeth does I will be discussing in this essay. I will also decide what I think is responsible for the actions that Macbeth takes in the play. The supernatural may not be completely responsible for Macbeths actions but they almost certainly play an important part in the development of Macbeths character. Because the supernatural was a force that was believed in by everyone at that time Macbeth is willing to deem what they say: Macbeth: Into the air; and what seemd corporal melted As breath into the wind. Would they have stayed. Banquo: Were such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root That takes the reason prisoner? This extract is taken from after the witches first appearance in the play. Banquo is interested as to what they are, whereas Macbeth is intrigued about what they said. This could be the turning point for Macbeths development, the witchs predict that he will become King so maybe Macbeth thinks that he should help things along and that by killing the present King it wouldnt be disrupting the great chain of being because he would have become King anyway. In the first scene when the witchs first appear they immediately overturn ideas of good into bad with an incantation, Fair is foul and foul is fair. This could be responsible for Macbeth turning from a kind-hearted, considerate man into an insensitive, callous man. But this could be because of how Macbeth interprets their predictions, the witchs never actually told Macbeth to go and kill the king, they just said All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter! The witchs said no more about him becoming king or how he would become king. Banquo realises that they are a temptation and does not believe them, however they told Macbeth what he wanted to hear so they ratified his thoughts. But Macbeth never admits to acting on the basis of what they told him, damned all those that trust them Macbeth says this quite near to the end, after he has killed Duncan, Banquo and just before he has Macduffs family killed. Him having Macduffs family killed is also because of the witches, Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, beware Macduff. This was the witchs first apparition in their second appearance in the play (they appear three times in total because three is a magical number and it sets the supernatural atmosphere that is the theme of Macbeth.) Soon after, Macbeth decides to have Macduffs family killed as a reprisal. I think that the witchs manage to have Macbeth put under their spell after the first prediction comes true He bade me, from him, call thee Thane of Cawdor. This gives Macbeth proof that the witchs know his future and what lies in store for him. The dagger can be interpreted in two ways; either as a hallucination or a real dagger the witchs made in an incantation to tempt Macbeth further. Firstly I will talk about the dagger as a hallucination. Macbeth is a tragic hero and every tragic has a fatal flaw; Macbeths fatal flaw is ambition. Throughout the play he lets his ambition get the better of him and this ambition could be what drives him into hallucinating about the dagger because at this early point in the play Macbeth is still unsure of whether he should be killing the king or not, so he could be looking for encouragement a dagger pointing the way that he wants to go definitely is a good source of encouragement. But even Macbeth is unsure if it is real. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heart-oppressed brain? He debates in his mind for a while whether he is seeing it as a hallucination to reinforce his will to commit regicide. The other reason about the existence of the dagger is that it could be a creation made by the witchs. The witchs main role throughout the play is to violate Gods natural order and encourage Macbeth to overturn the great chain of being. So if the dagger is one of the witchs creations then they are certainly fore filling their role. Macbeth interprets the dagger as a sign that he must commit regicide (overturning the great chain of being) and so he does. Either way, the dagger is partly responsible for the continual trip that Macbeth takes down the path of evil. Although Banquo proves to be immune to the temptation of the witchs themselves, he is not immune to their prophecies. By Act III, two of the three prophecies have come true; the only one left is that Banquos offspring will in future become kings. This is a threat to Macbeth because he has gone through so much for him to become king and therefore his offspring to follow; he doesnt want these sacrifices he has made to be futile. Banquo also starts to infer that Macbeth is not the rightful king. This is why Macbeth decides to have Banquo killed. However, when Banquo is murdered Fleance escapes, thus making Macbeths conscience and fear of the truth come into play again. When Macbeth is at the feast, he sees the ghost of Banquo, but nobody else there does. This can also be interpreted in two ways, either the ghost was created by the witchs or it is Macbeths conscience making him hallucinate. If the ghost is real, he could be trying to warn Macbeth that what he is doing is wrong and he must turn back, however this is unlikely because there havent been any other events which have warned Macbeth that he is doing bad things this could mean that every event could be traced back to the witchs because they wouldnt want to discourage Macbeth, especially with their aim being to overturn the ideas of good into bad. However, if he is real and is going against what the witchs want it could be showing the disorder that Macbeth and his activities have brought into society. There are many other influences that could be responsible for Macbeths actions, one of which is Lady Macbeth. Macbeths role is to play the tragic hero whose fatal flaw is ambition. But he isnt the only one to be ambitious; Lady Macbeth is the dominant person in their relationship and her ambition for Macbeth shines through in the course of events. It is her that first plants the idea of killing Duncan in Macbeths head and it is her that provides the encouragement for Macbeth that he needs for confidence. She could easily be judged as selfish and manipulative because she got Macbeth to do the dirty work. Her role could be described as vital but still supplementary to the witches. Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth by questioning his manhood; he could be seen as a feeble if he isnt willing to kill Duncan for his and her future. With a mixture of ambition and Lady Macbeths manipulative and encouraging characteristics there is definitely reason to doubt that the supernatural are responsible for Macbeth and his behaviour. The audience is immediately plunged into a mystical atmosphere because the first scene is with the witchs performing an incantation; this helps the audience to view the play from a spiritual view. The supernatural element does not only make itself known through the witchs, there are also references made to prayer, sanctity and cleansing. Another important aspect of the atmosphere of the play is the importance of dark and light. He witches are introduced to the play in foul weather they speak of thunder, lightning, fog, and filthy air this sets the play as one that the theme of evil is central. The witchs also say Fair is foul and foul is fair this shows how things are overturned in this play. The ironic part of that line is that when Macbeth himself enters; his first line is So foul and fair a day I have not seen.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Thomas Edisons reputation Essay Example for Free

Thomas Edisons reputation Essay Thomas Alva Edison is a scientist that was born on February 1 lth 1874 in Ohio. His family had to move to The United States of America after the involvement of his father in many political matters. Thomas Edison lost a part of his hearing when he had a fever at the age of 1 year old as many articles indicate. They say that it was a very bad fever at that time. Some articles indicate that he lost a part of his hearing when a man pulled him by the ear to get him to a moving train. Another story and a very popular one is that there was a small explosion which led him to lose his earing. Despite all of that he was a great scientist with great creations and inventions. He was very hard working and very ambitious as the history shows us. He was so creative and innovative that he invented a new telegraphic device by the age of approximately 21 years old and that is a very young age to create in. Also, he was working by the age of 12 years old during the civil war in The United States of America. He was distributing newspaper. He also built a small chemical laboratory at the corner of his house garage. He was so dedicated to build his own reputation that e established his own newspaper and made two stores by the age of approximately 16 years old. The strangest point about those stores would be the idea of employing young men similar to his age at that time. Moreover, he was a businessman. He started his own factory when he was about 23 years old after selling some of his creations to the company he worked for. A year after that, he got married to a 16 years old girl that was working there. He invented so many inventions when he was 25 years old. He continued inventing so many things until he reached to his great invention which was the light bulb. He had the idea to lighten whole New York City when he was 35 years old. He suffered a bad emotional tragedy as a result of losing his wife. Two years after that, he got married again. Then he kept on working on his inventions and providing the world by what he thought good creations. From all of that we really can see and estimate that Thomas Edison was indeed a very fascinating man. He was very hard working and very ambitious. He was also a very good businessman who had a growing number of companies in several majors. He established a manufacturing company to manufacture electrical devices for him as a art of his plan to lighten all New York City at night time. He did succeed in a certain level but he could not accomplish everything he wanted. Despite all the wealth he made when he was young or before 40 years old, Edison was nothing but a very hard and dedicated person. When he was 81 years old he was awarded the congressional gold medal for all the creation the he had made. Thomas Edison the great scientist passed away on October 18th , 1931. In 22nd of January 2012, there was an article published in the internet written and revised by Ron Kurtus. It was a very useful rticle. The writer divided Edisons life into historical parts. Each and every part showed few of Edisons reputations and the events that led to those reputations. He started from the very first year of Edisons life pointing all the main events and the best creations and inventions. Also, the events during the civil war of The United States of America were mentioned in that article and thats a very good thing. The reason being is that it points out that Thomas Edison was a creative genius even under awtul circumstances such as wars. However, that article nad tew weak points hat are worth mentioning. One of them is the article discusses Edisons life from the date he was born until the age of 40 years old and thats kind of a weakness. Edison had a variety of events after the age of 40 years old. Actually, he was extra famous after the age of 40 years old. Moreover, the writer did not focus at the greatest invention of Edison and that is the light bulb. He Just went through it as it was an easy thing or a normal invention but in fact it changed the world to a better and a brighter world. After few months of this article the writer decided to write another rticle discussing the age of Edison starting from 40 years old until the end of his life. One other weakness to that article is using only one single book as a reference which in this case we need more than one. Another study was published on March 1 lth 2007 by Randall Stross in New York Times newspaper. That article was different from the previous one as it discussed Edisons life from a different perspective. The writer divided Edisons life regarding his creations and inventions not by history or event. The main focus of that article was to point out some of Edisons characteristics and nventions. Therefore, the writer did not discuss much of life event of Edison. Also, the writer aimed to point out Edisons famous reputation and explain few reasons leading to them. That particular article was very impressive. However, the article was corrected approximately twice and that shows that there were mistakes. Also, the writer did not point out the resources or references that were used in that article. Even though the article was very rich in meaning and phrases but still there were no references to asset those meanings. One more very important thing is that the writer oncentrated on the electricity and the electrical inventions more than any other creations of Edison and I could not find a reason for that. Perhaps the reason to that is huge role that the electricity plays in our lives but I still think that it is not fair at all to concentrate on one work and abandon the others. Other than that, the article was really helpful and very clear. The writer had a very clear vision about the scientist, it seems. Last but not least, the greatest book in my opinion about Edison which descried him in a very clear way, Thomas Alva Edison: Sixty Years of an Inventors Life y: Thomas Crowell. This book had everything about Edisons life. The writer discussed so many details regarding Thomas Edisons life. Furthermore, he mentioned so many characteristics about Edisons personality. Also, the book is really great in explaining several steps that were taken by Edison to achieve some of his goals and his inventions. The book covered many points of Thomas Edisons childhood and how he was a hard worker since he was a kid. In addition to that, the book broke down Edisons life into so many pieces with respect of clear words to roduce a clear image in every creation and invention. The book was also great in mentioning the names of Thomass family mates, such as his father, his mother and some of his relatives. Furthermore, the story of his first marriage was included as well in the book which gave it a better value and made the reader likes it more. The writer also put a good time and effort into explaining the business side of Edisons wife and how that affected his personality and helped him developing his reputation and fame. That book was really great by all meanings and it is very clear that the writer ut a lot of effort into that book to make the way it is. Finally, Thomas Edison was one of the greatest people in history. He did his best trying to improve the world. His reputation was growing up day by day due to the nard work ne was putting in himself. It is clear now that Thomas Edison is an unforgotten scientist. From all the above we can conclude that Thomas Edison overcame all the problems that were there in his time. He did not let the civil war in The United States of America stop him from achieving what he wants.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cold Pastoral By Marina Keegan

Cold Pastoral By Marina Keegan Throughout J.R.R. Tolkiens world renowned blockbuster novel Lord of the Rings, the word ring is mentioned multiple times, however, in Marina Keegans story Cold Pastoral, neither cold nor pastoral appears. Not even once. Pastoral can be a term used to describe the livelihood of shepherds, but in literary terms, it is a lent word to describe the mode of literature which depicts a simple life from its complex content. Similarly, cold can be used to describe the weather or feeling of people, but it can also describe a persons personality as hardhearted, cheerless and cool. The more relevant interpretation of the title together with the story would be the latter of both explanations. The story is about Claire whose boyfriend, Brian, died suddenly and the series of events that followed Brians death. Keegan, the author, through describing Claires uncertainty towards the relationship and the revelation of the reality of the relationship, revealed the cold personality of Claire and her desi re to lead a life that feels pastoral, i.e. a simple life, to highlight the importance of revelations. Commitment to a relationship does not just depend on the passion; in fact, it relies heavily on the confidence of both parties in the relationship. Apparently, Claire is not madly in love with Brian. A lot of time was spent being consciously romanticà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ we might admit à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I like you ,' are comments made by Claire on their relationship, which hint that Claire is uncertain about her relationship with Brian (1, 2). As we observe in the real world, couples at the early stages of their relationships are, more often than not, infatuated with each other. Due to the feeling of uncertainty, Claire lacks faith in her relationship with Brian, thus she is not fully committed. This accounts for, in part, why Claire does not seem extremely depressed after learning of Brians death. It is this sense of uncertainty that lingers in Claires mind, the reason for why not a lot of people know of their relationship. One of the reasons that Claire does not seem too depressed after Brian, her boyfriend, died is that she is uncertain about the relationship, which resulted in her lack of commitment, whilst her personality, cold, also contributes much to her absence of severe depression. Humans are never emotionless beings, which is why our emotions are affected greatly by the surroundings. The only stark difference between individuals is their ability to contain emotions. People who are less capable of containing their emotions are often regarded as moody or emotive, while those who are more capable are often regarded as cool and composed. Claire is definitely one of the latter ones. After Brians death, Claire surprised [herself] that night by crying alone (2). This revealed that Claire has a composed personality and that she does not express her emotions explicitly that often. As the saying goes, The onlooker sees the best. People involved in incidents are often lost in their thoughts, and it is only through revelations that they reassess and take a clearer view at the situation. Just after Brians death, Claire was preoccupied by a certain degree of sadness and sorrow. Not only once, but many times, did Claire mention her commitment to Brian, this is revealed from her comment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Id underestimated how much I liked him (2). As it turns out, her emotions and view to her relationship drastically alters after reading Brians diary. Contrary to her sadness and sorrow, Claire comments that Im actually feeling great and Fuck Brian, I thought now, which reveals that she, rather than feeling upset, is on the one hand angry with Brian, and on the other hand, feeling relieved for realizing this fact sooner instead of later (8). Had Brian not died, she would not have discovered this painful reality and broke away from feeling blue. Brians death, though sorr owful and pitiful, has given Claire a chance to reveal the truth and free herself from the bondage of the relationship. Keegan successfully portrays Claires personality through her response to Brians death, which also reveals her desire for a simple relationship the direct reverse of the relationship she had with Brian. Actions such as being consciously romantic, waiting too long before responding to texts and [Brian and Claire] took a certain pride in our ambiguity are indications that the relationship involved complications (1, 1, 2). As the title Cold Pastoral suggests, Claire is eager to seek a relationship that is simply simple. Claires request is very simple she likes being liked (1). She wanted her partner to simply love her and take care of her. After the revelation through Brians death, she is crystal clear about the kind of relationship that she pursues more than anything Id ever wanted in my life, I wanted him to love me (11). Claire simply cannot resist the opportunity to begin a simple, committed love affair. Apart from the contents of the story, Keegans manipulation of prose and style conveys strong messages about the characters and the plot. When we read the story, the narration affects our judgment greatly. Since this story is a first person narration, we have to be critical about the emotions of the narrator. Throughout the story, the tale was narrated from the perspective of Claire, the main character, and I and We are mainly used as the pronoun for Claire as the narrator (1). In such narration, the contents of the tale are easily influenced by the emotions of the narrator. Claire, whose boyfriend has just died, is with grief and pain, which indicates that she is at times pathetic and hysterical. This suggests that the narration given by Claire may not be as reliable as regular stories due to her fluctuating moods. Keegan, by using first person narration, is trying to place readers in Claires position. By doing so, readers can easily imagine themselves as Claire, which arouses sympat hy for Claires experience. In many peoples view, literary works should be elegant and profound, but plain and raw descriptions can also be powerful in conveying messages. When one reads the story, one is bound to come across many controversial choices of words, such as fuck, shit and penis, which do not normally exist in conventional novels or essays (7, 6, 2). Furthermore, the story includes many lines of dialogue and often comes with short and incomplete sentences, such as I just need time to myself toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and I know she waits before responding which isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (6, 7). The expressions, straightforward and natural, which are intentionally deployed by Keegan, can fully reveal Claires feelings and the thoughts going through her troubled mind. Since this story is about the events that happened to Claire, this writing style allows readers to have a more in-depth understanding of Claires plight, thus arousing echoes of the idea of revelation. Keegan kept the story compact, which creates a fast pace for the story, to suit the short time-span of the occurrence of events. The events in the story happened within a very limited time-span, despite the complex nature of the story. If all the ideas were explained in details, the story would have a very slow pace, which does not match with the swift happening of events. To achieve fast pacing for the story, Keegan kept the paragraphs of the text relatively short, while ideas within these paragraphs are at times incomplete, such as I just need time to myself toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and I know she waits before responding which isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (6, 7). From the examples, Keegan is providing a very vague image of Claire and a brief lead in of her thoughts. Contrary from giving the whole story, these short fragments allow readers to conceive the situation of Claire slowly but gradually. This allows Keegan to both keep the story concise yet providing sufficient vital information for readers to interpret the setting of the story and make a great impact on the minds of readers through their imagination. In the story, Keegan deliberately arranged the events in a non-chronological order, which enables readers to think in the minds of Claire. Events of stories are often in chronological order, which enables the reader to easily understand the contents of the story. However, in Cold Pastoral, the events, rather than in chronological order, are following Claires free flow of thought. In the beginning of the story, Claire mentions her relationship with Brian and Brians sudden death (2). After the breaking line, the focus turns to her interaction with her friends (2). After the second breaking line, Claire expresses her views on Lauren, Brians ex-girlfriend (2). Furthermore, after the third breaking line, the narration mentions Claires visit to Brians family (3). If the story is to be in chronological order, Claires comments on Lauren should be excluded from the context. Keegan, intentionally inserts this scene in such a way to reveal the thoughts in Claires mind. The illogical ordering of events provides readers with an in-depth understanding of Claires thoughts, and also allows readers to comprehend the mindset of Claire fragmented thoughts and troubled with disarray. Revelation is ubiquitous, but we often underestimate its effects. People need revelation, and then they need resolution, Damian Lewis once said (Lewis). Just like in Cold Pastoral, Claire, who believed that her relationship with her boyfriend Brian was perfect, realizes that she is actually not as dedicated as she believed to the relationship as well as Brian. We need not evade revelations, for revelation does more good than harm. In fact, revelation not only provides us information about the facts, but also provides a chance for us to step back and reassess our stances. The omnipresence of revelation is bound to amaze those who neglect it. Revelation can be as significant as the death of a person, as shown from the example in the story Cold Pastoral, or it can be as minute as receiving a marked quiz script at school. Events, which one may or may not notice, can often be regarded as revelations, as long as they allow one to introspect. The story, Cold Pastoral, not only successfully portrays Claire, the heroine, but also provokes the minds of readers to face revelations squarely.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Young Goodman Brown Essay -- Literary Analysis, Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"†Young Goodman Brown† is an allegorical piece that cautions against the potential of human evil. Hawthorne believed the most evil thing a person could do was deliberately harden his heart, to disregard others’ emotions entirely and therefore their humanity. In the story, young goodman Brown commits this unpardonable sin. He through on many separate occasions decided to continue a wicked journey, when it did not end exactly the way he wanted, he ended his relationship with Faith. Hawthorne uses symbols to demonstrate and hopefully prevent people from turning into young goodman Brown. Hawthorne chronicles Brown’s departure, his journey through the woods, and his arrival at the ceremony. The story begins â€Å"Young goodman Brown came forth, at sunset, into the street of Salem village, but put his head back, after crossing the threshold, to exchange a parting kiss with his young wife.† (Hawthorne 605). Brown has already begun the journey that will lead to his demise in this very first line. The act of crossing the threshold is just the beginning. Although leaving faith is not technically a sin, it is definitely not a step in the right direction. As Brown is leaving, Faith calls out to him. She asks him to wait until the morning. She pleads, â€Å"†¦put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed to-night. A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts, that she’s afeared of herself, sometimes. Pray, tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year!† (Hawthorne 605). Brown replies that this â€Å"journey† can only be done this night. In fact, the repititon of, â€Å"of all nights in the yea r,† may well refer to it being All Hallow’s Eve, although never explicitly stated. (Hawthorne 606).... ...among them that partook of the devil’s communion albeit somewhat hypocritical. Although Brown had a multitude of chances to cling to faith, he disregarded each one until it was too late. His clumsiness, and sheer lack of responsibility to preserve his faith, ultimately cost him his life. Hawthorne proved that human unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding proves to be their downfall. For Brown this is especially true. His curiosity is what started him on his journey that fateful night. He is also unable to discern the validity of the night itself. Was it all a dream? Neither does he know that Faith remained pure or was corrupted. And if she were corrupted, could she now things about goodman Brown that he did not know himself. His confusion forces him to isolate himself emotionally and harden his heart, which is, after all, the worst sin of them all.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

she said yes :: essays research papers

I read "She Said Yes" by Misty Bernall. The publishing company is The Plough Publishing House, and it is 140 pages long. Cassie Bernall, a 17 year old junior at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, was a typical teen having a typical day, when two rampaging classmates put a gun to her head and asked her if she believed in god. She said yes. Its a story of growing up in the 90’s, of peer pressure, adolescents, turmoil, and the role parents play; a story of tough choices and the battle between good and evil in every person. But in the end, its a story of redemption more enduring than the tragedy that cut Cassie Bernall’s life short. It was a relatively simple question. Do you believe in God? On April 20th, 1999 Cassie Renà © Bernall said "Yes". It was the last word she would ever speak. On the day of the tragedy Cassie became a martyr for her God. In the aftermath of the tragedy its easy to raise Cassie up the status of a saint. Cassie was nothing more then a typical teenager worried about their future, her looks and the things that almost every other teenager worries about, but Cassie also sported a deep love for her God. But it wasn’t always that way. While Cassie had always been a sweet and loving child she took a turn for the worst in her teenage years, and headed down a dark, dangerous path, just like those ones as her killers. Her friends were less then good role models, Cassie became fascinated with witchcraft, drinking, suicide and perhaps the death of her parents. Fortunately, her parents found letters written to Cassie by a close friend which were talking about things that they could do to her parents that would be tragic. Afraid of what might happen, the Bernalls turned the letters over to the local police. A youth pastor spent a lot of time talking with Cassie, only to later say that there was no hope for her. But like most parents Cassia’s wouldn’t give up. The pulled her out her current school and enrolled her in a Christian school, they cut off all contact with her old friends, and basically put her under house arrest. Anything to get their sweet little girl back. Cassie hated them for it. They also hated having to get so serious with their daughter.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dell Inventory Essay

The just-in-time (JIT) inventory method is a method of inventory management. â€Å"The goal of these concepts, contrary to popular belief, is not to reduce inventory, although that’s an appealing side benefit. Instead, JIT (like its imitators) is a continual process aimed at eliminating waste and solving problems throughout the supply chain† (Minahan, 1997, p. 45). Since its inception in 1984, Dell Corporation, Inc. has set itself apart from competitors through innovation and creativity. The company uses the JIT method of inventory management. Many businesses use Dell’s success as a business model. Dell’s sales concept focuses on meeting the needs of its customers and building computers to order, selling them directly to the customer. â€Å"This direct business model eliminates retailers that add unnecessary time and cost, or can diminish Dell’s understanding of customer expectations. The direct model allows the company to build every system to order and offer customers powerful, richly-configured systems at competitive prices† (Dell, 2007, 1). In executing this vision Dell has leveraged effectively its human capital to drive growth and brand loyalty. Dell has been very successful with this model; as a result, the company carries low overhead cost by keeping inventory numbers low. Prior to adopting the JIT method, Dell struggled with managing finances. After implementing JIT, the company saw a vast improvement in inventory turnover and a reduction in the number of days worth of inventory on hand. The company achieved improvement by only placing orders with suppliers when needed. Placing orders JIT eliminates carrying costs associated with managing inventory. Table one reflects the continued reduction, showing 5.7 days of inventory on hand in 2001 and 3.4 days of inventory on hand in 2004 (Morningstar, 2010). Annual inventory turnover increased from 64.3 in 2001 to 107.1 in 2004 (Morningstar, 2010).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Business Law Memo

M E M O R A N D U M TO:Client FROM: DATE:November 16, 2011 RE:Suggestive Business Entity for Cure of Cancer Question Presented What business entity would be best suited in order to create the enterprise for the client’s scientific cure of cancer, while keeping his main interests in mind: to get assistance in running the business portion of the enterprise, while limiting his personal liability; and providing investors with the most profit possible while limiting the scope of the amount of how many people that will eventually be involved? Brief Answer A C Corporation will likely suit the needs of the clients’ interest in creating his business enterprise of creating the cure for cancer. Facts Based on the information provided by the client, he wants to manage the scientific aspect of the business and hire business professionals to run the enterprise and raise additional funds. In addition, he wants to limit his liability in the enterprise and wants to limit the scope of how many investors would be involved. Discussion Based on my interpretation of the clients’ interest, he wants to hire another business professional to handle the business side. Because of this, C Corporation would be most beneficial. If the client brought on his main investors as limited partners and then they ended up making significant management decisions while he developed the science, they would be treated as general partners for liability reasons. Also, the client did not say exactly that he did not want investors to be liable, only limit the scope of how many people would be involved, he did say that he wanted to limit his personal liability. Therefore, C Corporation would be most beneficial because the client and his investors would have limited liability. In the alternative, an LLC could be a possibility if the client wanted to take part in running the business aspect of the enterprise, then this would be the best. The client and the business professional that is hired would be partners running the business aspects of the enterprise. The client would also be responsible for science aspect of the enterprise. The investor he brought on would become limited partners who would only contribute assets and would not participate in the management of the business. Therefore this would keep their personal assets protected from the business just in case the company fails. Although this would protect the investors it would leave the client completely liable for any wrongful actions the investors make can. If the client did not want the investors to be held liable at all then in fact, a Limited Partnership would be best because the client would become the general partner. Therefore, he would be the one to run the business aspect of the enterprise. On top of running the enterprise he would also be in charge of the science aspect of the enterprise also. The investors he has now and in the future would become limited partners who would only contribute assets and would not participate in the management of the business. This would keep their personal assets protected from the business just in case the company fails. Although this would protect the investors it would leave the client completely liable for the partnership debt. It would also leave the client responsible for the business aspect of the company which he previously stated he was not interested in handling. â€Å"We could get around this by suggesting they develop a LLP as the general partner. †(Loafman, lecture) Conclusion Although, Limited Liability Company and Limited Partnership have positive aspects, C Corporation would still be most beneficial to our client because he just wants to be the scientist and does not want to be the one to manage the business. He wants to hire some business professional to run the enterprise and limit his liability.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Consider knowledge issues Essay

â€Å"That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.† Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge. Nowadays, due to for example technological development, every day can bring us a new knowledge. Something that yesterday was unthinkable, today turned into reality. Does that work in the opposite way? Does knowledge from hundreds of years ago is still considered as truth? Does knowledge have a period of validity? I found it very interesting considering the fact that most people believe in everything what famous scientists say. They are learning things, which are written in books or newspapers and they consider it as truth. But how do we know that something is truth? There are various of theories which are created every day and overturned after few days or even hours. While thinking about all knowledge theories, one question is coming to our mind, how do we know that previously accepted knowledge is timeless, and when it is accountable to be inverted as new thinking emerges? On those questions I will try to answer in my essay. To accurately answer the question posed in the task, areas of knowledge to which I am going to relate my work are history and human sciences. Technological development which was mentioned before allowed us to verify whether created theories are true or false. Theories from which we obtains our knowledge are changing constantly. Some of them could be overturned after they were assessed as unreliable. Such assessment can be done due to development which we already obtained. However, technology can also be used to improve the reliability of such knowledge. As an example of such theory I will use biological cell theory. In 1590, Hans and Zacharias Janssen invented a microscope under which in 1665 Robert Hooke firstly discovered cells, the basic units of structure and function of all living organisms. There was not many informations about this new discover. For years, scientists have expanded their knowledge about cells and they are doing it even now. Thanks to technology, now we know almost everything about cells. How they replicate, what they contain inside of them. The theory has been improved so this is still considered as reliable knowledge. Another example of improvement in sources of knowledge could be found in physics. In ancient Greece, Democritus discovered the smallest unit of matter – atom. Due to  many various experiments performed till now, theory about atom has changed many times and it is still not over. Scientists are always looking for new informations, therefore they are collecting new knowledge. From this knowledge new theories are created and then, by new technologies those are considered as true or false or improved. Another example of knowledge which was discarded after a long time is psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a method of understanding and treatment of human psychology and the theory allows to explain the different social and cultural phenomena. It was begun in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century by the Viennese physician Sigmund Freud. For many years, psychoanalysis was considered as the best method of treatment of mental disorders based on assumptions psychoanalytic theory. It assumes that the primary cause of the symptoms is unconscious memory, which involves strong emotions, resulting in a traumatic situation. Goal of psychoanalysis as a therapeutic method is to restore the consciousness of those memories. Critics of psychoanalysis as a scientific theory argue that it cannot be verified experimentally, so it cannot be classified as science, but only to literature, pseudoscience or para-science. In addition, many authors believe that Freud in many places falsify his observ ations to confirm his theory. Karl Popper took example of psychoanalysis as a theory unfalsifiable, and therefore unscientific. Unfalsifiable of psychoanalysis can be represented by the following example. A person smokes a cigar. Psychoanalysis claims that in this way this person satisfies his oral needs. If this person confirms, it would constitute proof of the veracity of the claims of psychoanalysis. If, however, deny that the reasons for the denial of that to be found in ignorance and denial. Thus, it also confirms the truth of the claims of psychoanalysis. Except Freud, there are many other psychoanalysts. As an example I will use Alfred Adler. Alfred Adler was an Austrian medical doctor and psychotherapist who found school of individual psychology. Different case in point how knowledge can be discarded we can find in case of penicillin. It was the first antibiotic found in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Firstly, it was considered as the best known to humanity treatment for almost all the diseases. The mechanism of action of penicillin as  antibiotics by blocking the activity of bacterial enzymes. It lend a hand to a lot of people with their diseases and sufferings and it brought a great success to scientists which found it. They even got the Nobel Prize in 1945 for inventing penicillin. However, after a few years when penicillin was on the market, many people started to complain on side effects of penicillin. It turned out that a lot of them are allergic to penicillin and therefore they have huge problems with their health. Some people even had anaphylactic shock after first dose. Moreover, users of penicillin were complaining from fever, chilling, profuse sweating, cyanosis or hypotension. These facts have rejected the recogniti on of penicillin as the best antibiotic and therefore knowledge that penicillin is the best antibiotic was discarded. Nowadays due to technology we have much better kinds of antibiotics. Many of them are antiallergic and therefore may be used by all people suffering from different diseases. Except science, knowledge changes also on historical ground. It mainly refer to revisionist historians. History we learn is changing all the time, as revisionist historians change things so as to fit the truths more likely than it is. As it is known, history is always incomplete. There are many facts about we do not have a clue or we don’t know why something happened. Thanks to revisionist historians, old theories are in fact changed into the new ones, which are considered as better and therefore more accurate truth of the world is created. In this case, old theories are not discarded, but evolved to adjust to the flow of time and new informations possessed. Therefore, theories created by earlier generations are accepted but changed in future to fit the truth more likely. This brings us to consensus that even though a few years ago something was considered by historians as truth, today due to technology and revisionist historians it may be considered as totally different. As we can see, nothing stays forever on our planet. Everyday everything changes, new knowledge is discovered and new theories are created. World is constantly evolving and brings us new technology by which we can discover new informations and therefore knowledge. Psychoanalysis, discover of penicillin, cell theory, revisionist historians and discover of atom are all  an examples of how can knowledge change due to the passage of time and technology development. Taking this into consideration, the statement mentioned in the subject â€Å"That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.† perfectly represents the idea and speed of development of modern world. Even though today we think that something is true and different theory is unacceptable, in few years or centuries it could be discarded or evolved into the new theory.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Legal Moralism

Morals determine greater social good. The purpose of law Is preserving greater social good. With this being said, putting morality In legal decisions brings out a greater social good as a whole. Fundamental agreement about what Is bad and what Is good (morality) is essential for the survival of collocation. So morality can be viewed as quintessential Judgment factor when It comes to law. Morality Is determined by the majority of civilization.Legal moralist encompasses the views of the majority and thus, Is more democratic. Society Is held by common thoughts of Individuals. The bondage of such common thoughts Is necessary to preserve collocation. Legal moralist upholds the decision of the societal common thoughts. Cons: Infringes Individual freedom Morals are often religious than not. Thus, groups with different religious orientation than the dominant will not be treated fairly by legal moralist based on he dominant religion. Populist views and opinions overshadow less known views and opinions. ; Diversity of thoughts are suppressed As much as I think legal moralist should be part of the legal process and decisions, in my opinion do not agree that it should be the predominant decision factor in legal system. Legal moralist interferes with the individual freedom and forces individuals to adhere to the predominant social norms. Take for an example, the marriage teen two homosexuals are banned in many states.This example clearly infringes the freedom of homosexuals to get married and have a family like heterosexuals. As time passes, society changes and values change. Legal moralist does not have the flexibility to keep up with the ever changing values and traditions of the society. Hence, I believe that legal moralist is too rigid to accommodate with the changing society, beliefs and values and cannot Justify as groundwork for the greater good of society.

Harvard Receives Record Applications for the 2018-2019 Cycle

For the fifth year in a row, Harvard College has received a record number of applicants for its incoming freshman class. Harvard announced recently that it received 43,330 applicants for the class of 2023, marking an increase of 1.3% from the previous year. During the 2017-2018 cycle, the college received 42,749 applications; it was their first year breaking 40,000 . Dean of Admissions William R. Fitzsimmons attributed last year’s increase in applicants to the college’s generous financial aid program. He noted that affordability was becoming increasingly important to applicants, with over 75% applying for financial aid and nearly 30% requesting an application fee waiver. In addition to receiving higher numbers of applicants as a whole, applications from diverse groups also marked record numbers. The number of Latinx applicants to the Class of 2023 increased by 3.4% from last year, the number of Asian American applicants increased by 5.1%, and the number of African American applicants increased by 1.1%. First-generation college applicants grew by 13.8% from last year, and applicants from certain geographical areas also went up, especially from the south. With this pattern well-established, there’s little doubt that Harvard will receive more and more applicants in years to come. To learn what this means for future potential Harvard students, keep reading. As the number of applicants to Harvard College continues to climb, the acceptance rate at Harvard shrinks. Applicants to the class of 2022 were accepted at a rate of just 4.59%, a record low. Because admissions at Harvard is so competitive, even students with perfect test scores and a stellar extracurricular profile are not shoo-ins. Â  When applying, students should have realistic expectations about the odds of getting in. In fact, at , we recommend that all applicants consider Harvard a reach school, no matter how strong their profile. Creating a balanced college list with a variety of schools is especially important when applying to elite universities like Harvard. For more tips about creating a college list, read our posts The College List, Decoded: Safety, Target, and Reach Schools and What Makes a Good College List? With acceptance rates on the decline, applicants to Harvard need to be increasingly impressive to earn a coveted spot in the incoming class. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula to earning a Harvard acceptance. At , however, we have a unique understanding of the admissions process, based on our experiences guiding thousands of students to elite college acceptances. To learn more about getting in, check out our post What Does it Really Take to Get Into Harvard? , written by a Harvard alumna. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. Many students think that perfect test scores or a stellar GPA guarantee a Harvard acceptance, but this is definitely no longer the case. In fact, it’s often said that Harvard receives enough applicants with perfect SAT scores that they could fill their entire freshman class. As such, strong academics are not the only necessary component of a successful Harvard applicant’s profile. Instead, the admissions committee practices a holistic admissions process, weighing extracurricular activities, essays, recommendations, interviews, and personal qualities. One quality that Harvard looks for specifically is your student’s potential for growth. This is partly evidenced by a successful academic record that shows positive grade trends and a willingness to take on challenges. In addition, admissions officers want to see students who create opportunities and take initiative. That being said, academics are definitely important when it comes to Harvard admissions. The middle 50th percentile of accepted students scored between 1460-1590 on the SAT. On the ACT, the middle 50 percent fell between 32-35. In addition, 95% of applicants were in the top 10% of their graduating class and 93% had a GPA of 3.75 or above. Finally, your teen’s essay for their Harvard application needs to stand out. They’ll need to use a voice that is uniquely theirs to highlight something unusual, or discuss something in a new or interesting way. To learn more about the Harvard supplemental essays, check out our annual feature, How to Write the Harvard University Supplemental Essays 2018-2019 , which we update each admissions cycle. The admissions committee at Harvard fully admits that they receive applications from far more qualified candidates than they are able to accept. This means that it is often little details that make an accepted student stand out from the rest of the applicant pool. Learning exactly how to set oneself apart can be a daunting task, but luckily your high schooler doesn’t have to do it alone.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Please answer the four questions about marketing Research Paper

Please answer the four questions about marketing - Research Paper Example Thirdly, each of the exchanging parties has to exude confidence in the value of the items exchanged. For instance, when purchasing a vehicle, the customer has to have confidence that the vehicle would perform beyond their expectations and offer the required utility. Lastly, r both parties have to meet the high expectations as a way to build trust in the transaction, in addition to making the marketing activity successful. A recent marketing exchange that I participated recently was purchasing a mobile phone recently. In the transaction, I had to visit a local distributor dealing in some of the leading phone brands, which actualized the first requirement of a marketing exchange; two parties have to be involved in the exchange. Secondly, I was attracted to the mobile phone due to its enhanced functionality, which promised to be of much value. In this case, I was confident that the phone could satisfy my needs while the distributor would be satisfied by having a piece of his stocks sold at a profit. Thirdly, I was very confident that after reviewing the phone and listening to earlier users, the phone could deliver more value to exceed my satisfaction as I had been disappointed by some earlier models. Lastly, I had to bargain to get the best possible price for the best product, while we finally settled on the last price with each of us meeting and exceeding the expectations. As a result, we established a strong buyer-seller relationship that would be considered for another transaction in the future. Q.2 In strategic planning, an organization sets its mission, goals and a corporate strategy that guides in all its operations until establishment of a sound marketing plan to seal transactions. As such, Pride & Ferrell (2012) detailed the important components to be considered in strategic planning. The first step involves identification of the organization’s strengths,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Consumer Behaviour towards CO2 emissions from aircrafts Essay

Consumer Behaviour towards CO2 emissions from aircrafts - Essay Example But, studies stressing on the need to bring about social transformation as a likely and effective tool to combat the ongoing global environmental crisis, are rare. There is a global consensus on the measures that need to be implemented in order to achieve a substantial reduction in carbon emissions. Some of these measures point to increasing the use of environmentally friendly products which have lower carbon foot prints. If such a reduction is to be achieved, it would call for a major change in our lifestyles. This paper on Consumer behavior towards CO2 emissions from aircrafts seeks to stress on this very aspect and investigate and analyze the level and extent of awareness of UK consumers in relation to eco friendly modes of transport. Transportation plays a fundamental role in accelerating a countrys economic development; however, the transportation sector must adhere to the ethical aspects of their businesses by adopting and implementing policies that avert global environmental threats. The aviation industry alone, accounts for a 3% of carbon emissions. Considering the spurt in public spending on transport, particularly aviation, this percentage could rise significantly posing a major threat to the global environment. A fundamental goal of the firms operating in this industry, thus, must be to strive to reduce carbon emissions and seek greener and sustainable options. Currently, there has been a major transformation in consumer attitudes in the UK towards sustainable products and services and are increasingly demanding greener and eco friendly products. The market for eco friendly products has not only emerged but has come to dominate the industry over time. Surveys and researches conducted in this behalf furthe r substantiate this fact. The spurt in globalization has increased the importance of mobility but at the same time,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What Is Communication Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What Is Communication Studies - Essay Example In this similar context, the idea of communication studies is widely defined as an academic field that primarily deals with the procedure of human communication intending to generate meaningful messages (Steinberg, 2007). In this paper, the notion of communication studies, its importance and the problems commonly associated with the aspect, will be taken into concern. Moreover, the link between culture and communication studies will also be discussed in this paper with the application of relevant models that include The Shannon and Weaver Model and The Schramm Model. Communication studies play an imperative role in every business organisation as it assists different organisations to develop their respective organisational forms in an efficient manner. Contextually, it has often been observed that organisations face various challenges when performing business operations effectively without concerning the aspect of communication studies. This is owing to the reason that the entire functional process of a specific organisation depends largely upon the understanding of the flow of information through communication studies (Steinberg, 2007). Communication studies generally involve two parties that include a speaker as well as a listener. With regard to determine the problems in communication studies, it has been viewed that misunderstandings arising due to poor communication can easily cause conflicts as well as other kinds of disturbances in the interrelation between the listener and the speaker. In other words, it can be stated that the conflict which often takes place between the involved parties in a communication process, due to creation of misunderstandings, is one of the crucial problems in the area of communication studies. Moreover, apart from rising conflicts, prevalence of dissimilar cultures, norms and languages are also considered to be the major problems relating to the study of communication studies (Steinberg, 2007). Culture and Communication Studies According to various researches, it has been apparently observed that communication and culture are undividable in nature. In this connection, the researcher s revealed that the aspect of culture plays a critical role in the field of communication studies. Intercultural interaction within the context of communication studies has become quite pervasive due to several important factors. These factors primarily include worldwide developments, rapid enlargement in the population of the world and alteration in the global business approaches. Most significantly, it has been argued that cultural dissimilarities may act as significant barriers towards communication studies. In response, effectual communication amid the involved parties in the communication studies would certainly minimise the barriers by a greater extent (Chen, 2009). The Shannon and Weaver Model (1949) The Shannon and Weaver Model (1949) introduced an effective communicative model which has been acknowledged as â€Å"information theory† and is regarded as quite beneficial in the area of communication studies. In this particular theory, the model revealed that the informa tion is regarded as an assessment of the entropy or insecurity in a specific system. Moreover, the model also

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Handout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Handout - Essay Example The mediating agents intervene between the learners, the stimulus, and the manifested response so as to interpret, control, expound and strengthen the leaning experience of the learners (Feuerstein, 1980, 15-16). The theory was put forward by two theories; Feuerstein’s theory of Mediated Learning Experience and Vogotskian sociocultural theory which advocate for the significant role played by the sociocultural forces and the environment of learners in the development of the learners holistically and also in learning. Mediated learning is not planned as it occurs naturally and instantaneously when a child interacts with their parents or teachers in their environment Mediation theory is criticized for placing a huge responsibility on the adults as mediating agents for the learning process and the growth of a child but presents the child to play a very passive role in the process. The benefits of this theory is that they provide a learner with an opportunity of becoming responsible individually through connection, ordering and management of the knowledge that have gained in the learning process. The activity of a learner is also very important to ensuring that he grasps the response and employs it to gains more insights on their own developments and organization of knowledge which shapes their lives (Rhodes, 1987:59). There are twelve features of mediation theory. Three of them are essential and apply to all learning situation while the other nine are situation-specific. The three universal features are shared intention, significance and transcendence. The other nine features are a sense of competence, control of behavior, goal setting, challenge, an awareness of change, belief in positive outcomes, spirit of Sharing, individuality and a sense of belonging. Mediation theory helps the learner achieve all the features a learner with the help of the teachers. In the application of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Body Reactions to Emotion Evoking Situations Essay

Body Reactions to Emotion Evoking Situations - Essay Example Since such situations do not arise every day, I decided to use movies to observe that behavior. Movies such as horror movies, soap operas, high-level comedy and thrillers are known for eliciting emotional responses in the audience. So one Friday evening, I decided to go to a cinema to watch a movie where a horror movie called The Ruins was to show that night. At a round 8pm, I entered the cinema hall. It was dark inside which was an excellent atmosphere for such a movie as the effect on the audience was sure to be profound. I looked for some space and, lucky enough, I got myself sandwiched between a lady and a man. This was excellent as I could be able to observe the response of a man and a lady simultaneously and compare the results. That Friday evening was the beginning of a number of visits to the cinema hall, where I watched movies like Anaconda, The Wrong Turn, Piranha, soap operas like In the Name of Love, Storm Over Paradise and Triumph Of Love and thrillers like 24 and Sparta cus. In all these situations, I observed the responses among different people and their body reactions. I also made some observations on myself on how my body reacted. This research was carried out with reference to the literature that explains the relationship between the body and emotions; how the body reacts to different emotions. ... The body’s reaction to shock is different from the body’s reaction to anger. Moreover, different body parts are involved in the reaction of different emotions, although the face is the dominant part in the expression of emotions.. Psychologists attribute most physical health problems like backache to emotions, especially emotional stress. Prinz (2006) asserts that if we understand how the various body parts relate to certain emotions, we can be able to understand our subconscious. This can help in healing diseases related to emotions as understanding our subconscious helps in knowing the root cause of the problem. Several theories have been developed by scientists on the way emotions are generated and the body reactions to such emotions. One such theory that was advanced to explain the relationship between the body’s reactions and emotions was developed basing on the study by an American scientist by the name William James and a Danish scientist called Carl Lange . Studying independently, the two scientists asserted that two factors determine the feeling of an emotion: the reaction of the body and how a person understands that reaction after an event. William and Lange believed that changes in the body occur before the interpretation of the changes. The two are what constitute emotion. The study by Lange and James led to development of theory called James Lange theory (William and McDermott, 1978). Other theories that have since been developed to explain the same include the theory by Cannon and Bard and also by American scientists, Singer and Schacter. Bard and Cannon made use of the nervous system to explain how emotions are generated and the response of the body to such emotions. They assert that the body reacts

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater Shooting Assignment

Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater Shooting - Assignment Example As such, this brief analysis will consider the means whereby a litany of reporters and news agencies have dealt with the situation, the way in which the police and prosecutors have responded to this, and the harmful precedent that this has set for the world of journalism and the furtherance of the trade. Firstly, though the veritable firestorm of media activity surrounding this particular case has somewhat subsided recently, the press ravenously sought to find any and all relevant, juicy, or pertinent information with regard to the case in the early stages after the violence took place. This was primarily accomplished by seeking to engage individuals that experienced the violence firsthand or had lost friends or family in the massacre in the theater. Initial eyewitness reports that were gained by several news outlets sought to portray a situation where a type of coordinated attack involving two or more individuals was something that could likely have happened based upon eye-witness t estimony. However, as key instances of the case were better understood, the media began to more appropriately list the real perpetrator as a lone-wolf acting alone. Moreover, as time has gone on and the trial has been set for Holmes, little if any media attention has taken place. Although it is the expectation of this student that this will change when a verdict nears in the case, such an action may very well be indicative of a press that operates on the very edge and can afford no more than a brief coverage of an event until the viewership/readership is bored and ready for the next story. However, due to the fact that as yet no verdict has been proclaimed by the court, overall coverage of the issue itself has abated and the viewpoints expressed have tended to mirror what was originally discussed once the details of the case were clearer. Secondly, with regard to the sheer shock that the shooting engendered within the nation, it is not a surprise that the media instantly sought to g ain access to the information surrounding the events that led up to and culminated in the massacre at the theater in Aurora. However, what was particularly shocking was the sheer persistency with which the media sought to engage those individuals who had experienced the shooting and survived as well as those individuals who had lost family members in the shooting (Ingold 1). Since the very beginning of investigative journalism there has been the thin line between getting the story and respecting the rights of a traumatized individual; however, these rights were egregiously ignored in the case of the Aurora shooting interview and subsequent attempts to glean information from the ultimate shareholders. This was so much the case that the police and prosecution were forced into the public arena to announce that the actions that were being undertaken by various media representatives and their reporters were unethical at best and downright harmful to the furtherance of the investigation a t worst. Although there was and is no criminal code, other than harassment and filing an restraining order, with regard to keeping an overzealous reporter at bay, the problem that many of these shareholders faced

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Read argument assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Read argument assignment - Essay Example d on their respective research claim that this form of writing is not jeopardizing the written language, in fact it is contributing to development of the language. Puente, while summarizing the writing styles used in online social networks’ status updates has described in her essay how writing in this way has become an art. Humphry makes a point by saying that these abbreviations will cause communication problems, but I also agree with Crystal and Lunsford, that if standardized, and included in the dictionary, these abbreviations can become a part of the language and can be taught by linguists. Whenever there is a change, and innovation, there is a reason for it. That reason may be changing preferences of users or busy time schedules. I believe that instead of criticizing this innovation and trying to undo it, it is better to accept it, and to standardize it for easy usage in future. Majority of people around us who own mobile phones today and have access to online social networks like face book and twitter; are used to abbreviated written expressions. According to one estimate, almost 50% of the world’s population owns a cell phone (Crystal). This technology has brought about an immense change in the communication patterns of people (Puente). The frequent use of services like face book status updating; tweets in twitter and short messaging services on cell phones have given rise to a whole new form of written expression, that utilizes more abbreviations and spells different words in ways that are rather unconventional. Some theorists and linguists consider this as a threat to the survival of English language as we know it (Humphrys). Others however argue that evolution of a language is a sign of it being alive. Instead of destroying the language, introduction of new technology is actually progressive for the language and is adding up new terminology to i t, which is more preferred by its users. During the last decade, written expression of English language

Friday, September 6, 2019

Examining Government Regulations Essay Example for Free

Examining Government Regulations Essay To briefly describe the current government regulations or standards I researched about kid’s having a single parent that does not get the additional cash assistants that they need to help support their family would be if a kid happens to be born in a family that happens to get additional cash assistants they are normally turned down to get any more. In the state of Ohio the percentage of kid’s with a single parent is at 31% witch is the highest it has ever been. A list of Agencies that will help a single parent with rent and other things that will help them raise their kid’s. â€Å"1. Local Non Profit Agencies Every county has designated agencies that are established to help individuals in times of distress. Local non-profit agencies are equipped to assist single mothers with rent, utility bills, daycare assistance, food, clothing and other necessities. Because they will base the amount of your grant off of your assets and other personal criteria, you will be required to meet with a caseworker who will discuss their program and input your information, including your earned income, proof of residence, past due bills and dependent information. Local non-profit agencies include: Department of Human Services, Department of Social Service Provides WIC, food stamps, daycare assistance and health care assistance such as Medicaid and Medicare, Transportation Assistance, Soup Kitchen, Rent assistance, Free or reduced meals for school-aged children. 2. Local Food Bank. Food banks are commonly found in all areas across the nation and can be accessed by anyone in their time of need. Donations come from grocery stores, wholesalers, restaurant owners and individuals. Once the food is brought in, volunteers sort and pack food kits for families in need. Single mothers can apply with their local food bank to receive assistance with obtaining food. In many cases, single mothers who make too much money to receive additional state or federal benefits are able to receive food donations from food banks. 3. Community Churches and Religious Organizations. Some community churches and temples have organized programs to help single mothers and individuals with low incomes. While the requirements may not be as stringent as local organizations, some churches may still want applicants to show documentation to receive assistance. Local churches often have programs in place to help women with shelter, rent payments, utility payments, clothing needs and food attainment. In addition to local food banks, many churches also have food pantries for members of the community that are in need. 4. Federal Assistance Organizations. When you have exhausted your options on a local level, or simply require further help, there are a variety of federal programs designated to help low-income families and single mothers. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) A federal assistance program that provides temporary cash assistance and food stamps to single mothers and low-income individuals, showing a need. Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) A federal assistance program that provides assistance with energy-related costs, including paying utility bills, weatherization procedures and/or energy-related home repairs. 5. Grants for Single Mothers There are a variety of grants available to single mothers who are the primary head of household. Some grants have been established for single mothers furthering their education and others are available to all single mothers meeting necessary criteria. While loans must be paid back, grants do not need to be repaid. Institutional grants, The Womens Opportunity Awards, Sunshine Lady Foundation.† There are only a few obstacles that would prevent me from meeting the needs of my target population and those would be the lack of funding the state provides as well as the huge number of people who need the help. Every year more and more people need help with and the funding as well keep’s going down more and more every year as well. Some of the things that need to be considered for change to the social policy that may be necessary in order for my issue to be resolved or for my target population to have its needs satisfied would be for that state to come up with another way to make funding to help those who need the help. Another way would be for that to hold a fun raiser to donate the money to the groups that help those in need.